Our 24-hour call center is staffed by healthcare specialists with clinical experience who engage with every level of the healthcare continuum. Unlike other healthcare call centers, our operators are able to provide real-time, personalized healthcare solutions with support from board-certified physicians. We bridge the gaps that cause inefficiencies and oversights in healthcare coverage and save time and money that may otherwise be wasted.
We make sure that patients are getting all the help and attention they deserve, and that providers are able to make the best possible use of their time where they are needed most. We also perform proactive follow up to monitor the success of treatments and help patients avoid costly health setbacks. Nav Central has a proven track record of helping patients, having performed over 500k triage interventions and scheduled over a million doctor’s appointments.
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Aliquet eget sit amet tellus cras. Facilisi cras fermentum nulla at odio eu feugiat pretium.
Sodales neque sodales ut etiam. Faucibus pulvinar integer enim volutpat ac tincidunt vitae.